Decision Taker

“Decision taker” is not a cliche skill you add it to resume .. some people have it naturally, and even can take complex one instantly… but other struggle in taking them … If you are one of them , I suggest reading this post…
Following is an easy way to make decision based on interest but in a mathematical and logical way ..
I will take the case of choosing between a current job , and a new one ..
1- first define your interests : example Salary , position, company name, team number
2- now divide 100 point over these parameters … divide them based on your interest .. don’t care about what people say it’s your life .. Example : Salary : 50 – position: 20 – company name: 10 – team number: 20
3- now rate the 2 options (or even more) from 1 to 10 …
4 – multiply the rate by the points
5- choose the highest

The same concept can apply to choosing a university , a major, or even where to spend a sunday night

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