
I'M Mhamad.

Engineering & MBA


Not your Average Geek

Let’s make it clear from the beginning, your ideas are worthless without execution. And In order to make them true, there’s two solutions, a genie, or hiring a professional. Okay I can’t help you with the first one, but for the second .. let me introduce myself…  A computer and telecommunications engineer, with 7+ years of experience, passionate in building solutions to solve real problems, automate tasks and reduce wasted time. In order to make it easier, I followed an international executive MBA program.  It helped me looking to challenges from the business perspective and facilitate the communication with the different stakeholders. On a personal level, I think I am an enthusiastic man who’s trying to keep a ding in history. I love making new friends, and going in new adventures. In my free time, you will find me taking some good pictures, attending events or reading a book.




Build or update your custom project, using the right technology.This service can include meetings to gather requirements in order to meet the deadlines.

Technical consultancy

On your way to a big project but you don't have the necessary technical knowledge ? Benefit from my experience, I will review your plan, help you create a checklist and evaluate offers.

Project Management

Having an ongoing or a one time project. Let's achieve it by creating requirements, hiring a good team, creating sprints, assigning tasks and monitoring progress and results.


Alone you go fast, together we go further. Feel free to contact me if there's a possibility to create a partnership, and share profits. Promising ideas deserves a chance to be implemented.





Let's work together ...

Always happy to discuss new ideas, and challenges. Feel free to send me an email, a message or simply fill this form. I will reply the soonest possible.

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